Write a 2 page essay on Short informational memo report.According to 2008 census, Canada population median was estimated to be 39.4 years. This implies that Canada has an aging population.

Write a 2 page essay on Short informational memo report.
According to 2008 census, Canada population median was estimated to be 39.4 years. This implies that Canada has an aging population. The low turnout among the youths indicates that they are underrepresented in the country’s decision-making process (Rae 34).
Poor attitude towards election and politics might be the main reason behind the low turnout (Radcliff 98). Most Canadian youth consider politics, leadership, and the country’s decision-making process to be the duty of senior citizens. Canadian youths also feel underrepresented in the country’s political arena (NYT Web). This is because most political leaders in the country are senior citizens.
The low voter turnout among the youth is a clear indication that the country has governance problems. The youth are critical in the country’s decision-making process. The Canadian election has a task to sensitize the youths on the importance of taking part in the voting process (Howe 78).
The electoral commission can use civic education as their key strategy towards eliminating the problem. Civic education will involve informing the youth about the importance of taking part in national election (Engelmann 34). Civic education can be done through the mass media. The election commission should also take advantage of the social media to create awareness among the youths on the importance of voting. The last Nigerian elections clearly demonstrate how social media such as face book can become effective tool for civic education among the youths (Shirazi 20). The electoral commission should also introduce policies that will promote youth candidates running for leadership positions in the country.
Creating awareness among the youth on the importance of voting will make them to have positive attitude towards the country’s decision-making process (Shirky 47). Conducting civic education through the social media will bridge the gap between the youths and politics. Policies promoting youth

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