What would be a catalyst for a community starting a community


Just having a policy that says a police department has a community policing outlook, or even a community policing office does not actually mean that there is a well-functioning, on-going program in place. Using peer reviewed articles and other professional publications find examples in which law enforcement officials along with community leader have taken community policing from an idea, or even a written policy to a functioning program.

In approximately 150 words, summarize what you have learned and cite any sources you have used. Then, in approximately 300 words, address the following issues;

1) What would be a catalyst for a community starting a community policing program? Would it be a traumatic event, a series of events or just someone trying to be proactive?

2) What resources would a community draw on to establish a well-rounded community policing program?

3) How would the effectiveness of the program be measured?

Follow Up Posts

After your initial post, read over the items posted by your peers. Select two different posts, and address the following items in your responses:

1) What obstacles presented themselves in the early stages of setting up a community policing program?

2) Did the reason the programs were established seem to make any difference in how successful a program was?

3) If a program achieved its initial goals, was there any difficulty maintaining momentum in the ongoing efforts?

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