Week 5 assignment: online library exercise and annotated bibliography

Description: The assignment will help the student begin to identify research questions and the strategies to answer the question from week 3 assignment. 

Part 1: Go to the APUS Online Library and watch the following videos:


Navigating Your APUS Library 

Get to Know Your Trefry Library


Subject Specific Research

Part 2: Annotated Bibliography

Using the library, locate two articles from journals of interest (eg. American Journal of Public Health)  

Complete the Annotated Bibliographies for two scholarly sources.  This is a formal bibliography that includes citations of sources with summary and evaluation information for each source. The emphasis is on finding accurate, reliable sources and providing a clear summary and evaluation for each source.  Please see attached for examples on how to complete the Annotated Bibliography.

(I have attached supporting documents for your convenience.)

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