Understanding the assignment: cultural activity report


  1. The purpose of this paper is to experience the world of humanities beyond a classroom setting. The material covered in this assignment is based on the period of time covered in our book: ANCIENT TIMES TO THE 1500s. Any material submitted beyond the 1500s WILL BE RETURNED, WITH NO POINTS.  


Write a 2-3 page report (500-750 words) that describes your experience and addresses the requirements below. 

Format your report according to this formatting and writing standards document. This document includes examples of in-text citations and other great items!


Select 1 event from the list below and include this event on your title page.

Event A: Museum
Visit to a museum that exhibits items from Ancient times to 1500s 

Event B: Live Play/Performance
Attend a live play/performance that exhibits music/literature from Ancient times to 1500s

Event C: Online Play (Amadeus)
Watch parts 1 and 2 of this community theater presentation which is an adaptation of the show ‘Amadeus’.


For events A or B:  Clearly identify the event location, date attended, the attendees, and your initial reaction upon arriving at the event.

For event C:  Identify the plot of the play and 3 characters.


For event A: Provide specific information and a description of at least two (2) pieces (e.g., art, exhibits, music, etc.). Provide as many details as possible. Make connections of your event with specific chapters of the text.

For events B or C: Choose 2 scenes (1 scene from Part 1 and 1 scene from Part 2). For each scene you have selected:

  • describe in detail what you see (background, props, scenery, etc.)
  • list and describe each character (describe their clothing, accessories, etc.)
  • list one line spoken by one of the characters and describe how the others in the scene react to what is said (facial expressions, body language, verbal response, etc.)


For events A, B, or C: Describe your overall reaction after the event experience. (i.e., Would you visit/view the event again?, Any most/least favorite moments?, etc.)  


Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align your formatting to this course’s required standards included at the top of this assignment.  

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