The following probability distributions of job satisfaction scores

       The following probability distributions of job satisfaction   scores for a sample of information systems (IS) senior executives and IS   middle managers range from a low of 1 (very dissatisfied) to a high of 5(very   satisfied).   PROBABILITY       JOB SATISFACTION SCORE IS SENIOT EXECUTIVES IS MIDDLE MANAGERS     1 0.05 0.04     2 0.09 0.1     3 0.03 0.12     4 0.42 0.46     5 0.41 0.28     What is the   expected value of the job satisfaction score for senior executives?    What is the   expected value of the job satisfaction score for middle managers?    Computer the   variance of job satisfaction scores for executives and middle managers.   Compute the   standard deviation of job satisfaction scores for both probability   distributions.   Compute the   overall job satisfaction of senior executives and middle managers.    Please show   work and use excel spreadsheet when possible.      

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