The case of chung ming
Directions: Please answer the following short response questions. Each question should have a 6 to 8 sentence paragraph response. Remember to support your work with APA references and in-text citations. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for concise APA guidelines.
1. Define correctional counseling. Is correctional counseling different from other forms of counseling? Why or why not?
2. Describe and discuss two key, legal, and ethical considerations that must be attended to when providingcounseling services within the correctional setting?
3. What is the most important legal issue that counselors must be aware of when providing services to an offender? Why is this issue so important and what are the possible repercussions if this legal parameter is violated?
4. Describe the difference between guidance and counseling? Are these two concepts mutually exclusive or can they overlap?
5. In your own words, describe the concept of stress? What are some of the physical and emotional consequences of stress? What is the likely result of prolonged stress that is not properly defused?
6. How would you define cultural competence? In your own words, describe why it is so important that counselors understand the essence of cultural competence, especially within the offender population.
7. Explain and describe two of the most common barriers to treatment.
8. Define the concept of stigma. What are some of the origins of stigma especially as it relates to counseling?
9. What is the difference between covert and overt racism? Provide two examples of each. Is one type of racism more destructive than the other? Why or why not?
10. What is meant by the concept of a melting pot? How is this related to the significance of counselors being culturally competent in their ability to effectively provide services?
Directions: Review “The Case of Chung Ming” on page 44 of the text. Develop a treatment plan for Chung Ming. Your final document should be at least 2-3 pages and adhere to APA standards, including in text citations. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for concise APA guidelines.
Chung Ming is a teenager,14 years old,and he
is ethnic Chinese. His parents immigrated
from China when Ming was roughly 9 years
old. Ming’s parents have not yet mastered the
English language and in some cases, he has
had to translate for his family. Lately, Ming
has been skipping school and he has been
hanging out with a group of other Asian
(mostly Chinese) youth that have established
a small gang.
Ming’s parents are humiliated by his
behavior and do not act as if they are really ready
to conduct counseling. They express that they
are very troubled by Ming’s behavior and even
that he brings dishonor on his family. Ming, on
the other hand, is much more Westernized than
his parents and he notes that many of his friends
have forsaken much of their Chinese views
for those more consistent with mainstream
American society.
Ming seems indifferent as you watch him
while his parents talk, noting that Ming stays
out late,drinks at age 14,and he has even stolen small items from various stores in the neigh-
borhood.You can tell by observing that Ming’s
father has difficulty with English and is a bit
withdrawn. The mother is also withdrawn and
does not offer anything to the conversation
throughout most of the session.
Ming is on juvenile probation and he
seems to meet the requirements of his supervi-
sion. The mere fact that he is on probation is
problematic with his parents and is also a
source of shame for all members of the family.
After the session, you are fairly sure that
Ming is still engaged in illegal activities with his
prior gang. You make it a point to ultimately
contact his probation/parole officer during the
next week.
Given the dynamics of this traditionally
Chinese family, Ming’s advanced acculturation
in Western culture, and the lack of concern
that Ming has, you realize that there are many
more factors at play than Ming’s simple misbe-
havior.You consider the cultural dynamics and
begin to develop a plan
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