Program Using Cplex Greydog Bus Company Operates Buses Boston Washington Dc Bus Trip Two C Q34195002


Greydog Bus Company operates buses between Boston andWashington, D.C. A bus trip between these two cities takes 6 hours.Federal law requires that a driver rest for four or more hoursbetween trips. A driver’s workday consists of two trips: one fromBoston to Washington and one from Washington to Boston. Table 54gives the departure times for the buses. Greydog’s goal is tominimize the total downtime for all drivers. How should Greydogassign crews to trips? Note: It is permissible for a driver’s “day”to overlap midnight. For example, a Washington-based driver can beassigned to the Washington–Boston 3 P.M. trip and theBoston–Washington 6 A.M. trip.

Departure Departure Trip Time Trip Time

Boston 1 6 A.M. Washington 1 5:30 A.M.

Boston 2 7:30 A.M. Washington 2 9 A.M.

Boston 3 11.30 A.M. Washington 3 3 P.M.

Boston 4 7 P.M. Washington 4 6:30 P.M.

Boston 5 12:30 A.M. Washington 5 12 midnight

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