Product Presentation Everybody Needs Set Wheels Convenient Go Far Used One Needs Getfrom O Q35607795
Everybody needs a set of wheels. This is convenient for thosewho have to go far. It can be used when one needs to getfrom oneplace to the next fast. It’s very convenient whenone has to bringheavy things. The bad thing though is carscan’t go everywhere.They’re only good for roads. Otherthan that, with cars, one has todeal with the traffic.There’s also that chance that it can getstolen when parked on the street. Cars don’t come cheap as well.They’reworth a lot of money when one buys them. Gettingtheminsurance doesn’t come cheap as well. They cost money when onehas to do maintenance work on them. So what’s one’s next bet? It’sa given that it’s the 750 electric scooter.
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What’s the reason to choose electric scooters? There’s the factthat compared to a car, this is more free. They don’t cost asmuchas cars. They can go through just about anywhere soone doesn’t needto worry about traffic. One doesn’t needto park them in the streetsince they can be brought into the building. This means the chancesof this getting stolenis slim. One doesn’t need to get a scooterinsured. One doesn’t need to go to a professional for maintenance.Andif repair is beyond them, they can always buy anothersince it’scheap. Having a 750 electric scooter has withouta doubt a lot ofbenefits. An added benefit to the ones mentioned before is thatwhen one opts for this they are doing mother nature some good. Thisis because with ascooter, there aren’t any emissions. So it helpsthe earth. It’s also good for the rider.
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An added bonus is getting some fresh air. There are thosewhowould say that an electric scooter doesn’t just give thesamespeed a car does. Because really, what is the maximum speed ofa scooter? The fact that this is an electric scooter should bestated. Which obviously means that it has more power than theregular scooter. After all, it runs on electricity. The 750electric scooter is without a doubt an investment and a greatelectric scooter for kids. With a top speed of 15m/hr it can get toplacesin an instant. Due to the fact that it’s rechargeable it canbeplugged almost anywhere. In a lot of instances this is betterthana car. There’s the added perk as well that almost anyone inthefamily can use it.
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The company is a US based company, with production plants inOhio and currently working at one shift only one day a week.
You have recently been named Marketing Director Kidscoot, for yourcountry, with the initial task to develop the marketing plan forthe first year of launch. In US it has been sold in motorbikedealers during the past two years, 10,000 units year1 and 15,000second year. The production cost is around 50€and the end userprice has been aprox 110€.
You believe the main US business limitation has been the sellingchannel. Therefore you are thinking on launching it widely in bigsurfaces. You have been given an appropriation of €700,000 to bespent as marketing support for each country.
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With the information you count, what you know about your market,and some imagination/info you may invent, please develop themarketing plan for the first year of launch of the product.
In the analysis phase, please, include the information you wouldneed to access and evaluate (just include the subject), externallyand internally. For all this information, please, invent and assumethe utmost to be able to drive forward the balance marketingplan.
Please, follow all the phases of the marketing plan we havereviewed.
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