Problem 2 Tom S Inc Makes Two Salsa Products Western Foods Salsa Mexico City Salsa Essenti Q35650777

Problem 2 Tom’s Inc. makes two salsa products: Western Foodssalsa and Mexico City salsa. Essentially, the two products havedifferent blends of whole tomatoes, tomato sauce, and tomato paste.A jar of Western Foods salsa uses 5 ounce of whole tomatoes, 3ounces of tomato sauce, and 2 ounces of tomato paste. A jar ofMexico City salsa consists of 7 ounces of whole tomatoes, 1 ounceof tomato sauce, and 2 ounces of tomato paste. For the currentproduction period Tom’s Inc. can purchase up to 4480 ounces ofwhole tomatoes, 2080 ounces of tomato sauce, and 1600 ounces oftomato paste. Tom’s Inc. makes a profit of $1.00 per jar of WesternFoods salsa and $1.25 per jar of Mexico City salsa. The followinglinear optimization model was used to determine the mix of salsaproducts that will maximize the total profit contribution. Let W bethe number of jars of Western Foods Salsa M be the number of jarsof Mexico City Salsa Formulate the above as a Linear Problem &fill in the blanks. Please provide values for number of constraintsthat exist. a) Objective function is ___________________ with ____(number of) constraints defined below. b) Constraint 1 is___________________ c) Constraint 2 is ___________________ d)Constraint 3 is ______________________ e) Non-negativity constraintis __________________ Problem 3 For the problem above, using thepicture below write the formula for: Provide values and / orformulas to solve the above problem using solver: E.g. Value to beentered as: Cell E15: __9__ or Cell E15: ___= E5 _ Formula to beentered as: Cell E6: ___ = C6*C4 + D6*D4 ___ a) Cell C7 _________b) Cell D7 _________ c) Cell C11 _________ d) Cell D11 _________ e)Cell E11 _________ f) Cell F11 _________ g) Cell G11 _________ h)Cell C12 _________ i) Cell D12 _________ j) Cell E12 _________ k)Cell F12 _________ l) Cell G12 _________ m) Cell C13 _________ n)Cell D13 _________ o) Cell E13 _________ p) Cell F13 _________ q)Cell G13 _________ Using the information from the spreadsheettemplate, fill in the appropriate parameters that you would set upin solver: r) “Set Objective” cell is _____________ s) “By changingvariable cells” cell range is ____________ t) constraint 1 “cellreference” is ________ and “Constraint” cell is __________ u)constraint 1 “cell reference” is ________ and “Constraint” cell is__________ v) constraint 1 “cell reference” is ________ and“Constraint” cell is __________ Problem 4 For the problem above,using the Sensitivity report below, answer the following questions– fill in the blanks / multiple choice: a) How many jars of WesternFoods Salsa should Tom’s produce? _______ b) How many jars ofMexico City Salsa should Tom’s produce? ________ c) What is theprofit of the optimal solution? ________ d) Which constraints arenon-binding? 1) Whole tomatoes 2) Tomato Sauce 3) Tomato paste e)What would be the value of 30 more ounces of tomato paste? ______f) How much less profit would Tom’s make if they had 100 fewerounces of tomato sauce? __________ g) How would Tom’s profit changeif they 500 more ounces of tomato sauce? _______ (hint: the shadowprice is 1E + 30 which is 10 to the power 30) h) How would Tom’sprofit change if they had 170 more ounces of whole tomatoes?_________ e) What would be the value of 30 more ounces of tomatopaste? ______ f) How much less profit would Tom’s make if they had100 fewer ounces of tomato sauce? __________ g) How would Tom’sprofit change if they 500 more ounces of tomato sauce? _______(hint: the shadow price is 1E + 30 which is 10 to the power 30) h)How would Tom’s profit change if they had 170 more ounces of wholetomatoes? _________ e) What would be the value of 30 more ounces oftomato paste? ______ f) How much less profit would Tom’s make ifthey had 100 fewer ounces of tomato sauce? __________ g) How wouldTom’s profit change if they 500 more ounces of tomato sauce?_______ (hint: the shadow price is 1E + 30 which is 10 to the power30) h) How would Tom’s profit change if they had 170 more ounces ofwhole tomatoes? _________ e) What would be the value of 30 moreounces of tomato paste? ______ f) How much less profit would Tom’smake if they had 100 fewer ounces of tomato sauce? __________ g)How would Tom’s profit change if they 500 more ounces of tomatosauce? _______ (hint: the shadow price is 1E + 30 which is 10 tothe power 30) h) How would Tom’s profit change if they had 170 moreounces of whole tomatoes? _________ e) What would be the value of30 more ounces of tomato paste? ______ f) How much less profitwould Tom’s make if they had 100 fewer ounces of tomato sauce?__________ g) How would Tom’s profit change if they 500 more ouncesof tomato sauce? _______ (hint: the shadow price is 1E + 30 whichis 10 to the power 30) h) How would Tom’s profit change if they had170 more ounces of whole tomatoes? _________

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