Outcome models recidivism, relapse prevention, harm reduction | FPSY 6511 – Treatment of Forensic Populations | Walden University

Post by Day 5 a brief summary of the research article you selected, including an identification of the treatment outcome model used in the study. Then explain how the study might have been affected and how the outcomes might have changed if one of the other treatment outcome models had been used.

This discussion assignment is complex  You need to address ALL components of the question in an effort to earn full credit.  Read the instructions above very carefully.  I suggest setting up an outline, using headers, to make sure you address all required components thoroughly.

You will need to read all of the articles listed above and then:  Conduct an academic search in the Walden Library and select at least one scholarly article from a peer-reviewed journal that uses the treatment outcome model (recidivism, relapse, or harm-reduction) you selected. 

• Review the article “Guilt and Shame as Predictors of Recidivism: A Longitudinal Study with Young Prisoners” in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on using the recidivism model in the treatment of forensic populations.

• Review the article “A Study of Methadone Maintenance for Male Prisoners: 3-Month Postrelease Outcomes” in this week’s Learning Resources. Note the distinctions among the three treatment outcome models in the treatment of forensic populations.

• Review the article “Adult Sex Offenders on Community Supervision: A Review of Recent Assessment Strategies and Treatment” in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on the distinctions among the three treatment outcome models in the treatment of forensic 

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