order 806092: management datasil case


  • Type of paper Case Study
  • Subject Management
  • Number of pages 7
  • Format of citation Other
  • Number of cited resources  0
  • Type of service  Writing

Your mid-term  paper should be restricted to fully answering the two questions below.  Do not provide a general case analysis. Much of your grade will depend  upon the correct application of theoretical course content to the  information in the case in your answers. Each question is equally  weighted.  1. In what ways was the acquisition by the U.S. company well planned and  in what ways was it not well planned? Compare how the planning was  apparently done in the U.S. and Canada with best practices of planning  from the lectures and textbook. Include considerations of the external  environment in your answer. (1000 words)  2. Recommend 2 immediate and 2 longer term changes as of the end of the  case that would improve Datasil’s internal performance and staff  attitudes. These changes may be in the areas of organizational  structure, communication, and/or decision-making. Explicitly apply  theoretical course content to develop and support your changes.(1000  words)

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