Now that you’ve gotten a basic understanding of the elevator pitch,

Now that you’ve gotten a basic understanding of the Elevator Pitch, it is time to put your new knowledge to use by completing this exercise.  This exercise is worth two (2) weighted points.

Please read the Company Background information below for a new company called IncredibleApps.  Then write a short elevator pitch for IncredibleApps using Rhonda Abrams’ “6 Components of an A+ Elevator Pitch” and the 9 C’s of Chris O’Leary as your guide.  Make sure that the elevator pitch includes all six of the components listed in Abrams’ article and also be sure to apply the 9 C’s to your pitch.  You will be graded on:

  • inclusion of all 6 of Abrams’ components
  • usage of the 9 C’s

Your elevator pitch should be approximately 3-6 sentences, but the most important guide is that it reads well and could be spoken to your audience in the duration of an elevator ride.

Good luck!

Company Background

This company develops mobile corporate applications for iPhone and Droid phones.  Founded by engineers who believe in the power of a free and openly available Internet, their target market is Fortune 1000 companies who wish to have a mobile app for their company, but who don’t know how to develop one.  This business situation is similar to the early days of the Internet, when many companies that wanted corporate websites had to pay technical experts to build them because the companies didn’t know how to. 

IncredibleApps intends to provide premium “Nordstrom’s level” quality and service, and therefore expects to be able to charge a corresponding high price.  IncredibleApps has assembled the best mobile app developers in the industry and this will be the key to their business success.  In addition, IncredibleApps will be managed more professionally and efficiently than other mobile app companies, which are usually run by software experts who have no business acumen or savvy.

At the end of the day, IncredibleApps intends to become the premier mobile app provider for Fortune 500 companies worldwide and continue to develop mobile apps that keep the Internet freely accessible to all.

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