Musyokiones | Accounting homework help

Attached please find a link to a document which contains five (5) Accounting Ethics scenarios for your review and analysis.

  • Please write a thoughtful essay, answering the questions posed in each of the individual case studies, based on your understanding of ethics in business, as outlined in your assigned and supplemental readings.
  • The essay should be limited to approximately 3 pages, single-spaced.
  • Do not copy the individual case studies in your document and refer to the scenarios by their title only.
  • You may reference the textbook and/or the required supplemental reading assignment, or any of the multitude of articles in the Santa Clara University Markkula Center for Applied Ethics website regarding ethical decision-making (
  • Do not investigate other outside sources; this is not a research paper, but an “opinion” essay constructed upon your perception of ethical behavior in the accounting profession.
  • In your essay, please evaluate the different actions or options for resolving the issues posed in the case studies—this includes an analysis applying one or more ethical approaches (such as utilitarian, rights/duty-based, virtue, equitable/justice, etc.).  Then make a decision to resolve the case, and provide a rationale for your conclusion. Your essay should focus on evaluating each case study through the lens of one or more ethical approaches in order to arrive at your decision.
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