Mechanical and electrical systems essay

8 Page Essay. Topics to cover;

1. Mechanical and Electrical Systems

2. Plumbing Materials

3. Sanitary Drainage, Vent, and Stormwater Drainage Piping

4. Sizing Sanitary Drainage and Vent Piping

5. Sizing Water Supply Piping

6. Plumbing Fixtures and Appliances

7. Testing and Inspecting Plumbing Systems

8 Page essay. 

1 page front cover(i will do this portion)

2nd to 7th page will be the essay portion.

and 8th Page is reference page.

I’ve attached power points to give you an idea for the essay.

The book is from Mechanical and Electrical Systems for Construction Managers Third Edition 

Due in 7 Days from now. So you don’t have to rush it.