Homework assignment #7 – most important lessons of the purple cow

Purple Cow, by marketing guru Seth Godin, focuses on remarkable marketing and offers a fresh approach on advertising. Seth Godin’s marketing strategy targets the new fast going consumers that are too busy to pay attention to advertising. For the new type of consumers there is only one new strategy that will get them to seek out a product. This strategy is the Purple Cow.In Seth Godin’s own words,

This book is about the why, the what, and the how of remarkable.’ @ThisIsSethsBlog

The basic premise of the book is that in order for a product to get the consumers’ attention, it needs stand out or it will be as invisible. His theory is to build what is worth noticing directly into the product. This way the marketing is the product, and vice versa. The marketing is built right in.

In this assignment you are asked to write a 1 and 1/2- to 2 page carefully constructed analysis of lessons learned about marketing from the Purple Cow. It must include an introduction summary, cover the three points outlined below and include a conclusion from your point of view. It should incorporate each of the following points in a well-written and thought-out paper. Please answer the following questions in your paper:

  1. What is the most important lesson of the Purple Cow?
  2. What are some outstanding examples of how the Purple Cow principle of remarkable marketing was used and let to a product’s success?
  3.  Why is this lesson of such value to marketers? – what are several key reasons that Godin’s thesis is important?
  4. How can this information be applied to the product you will chose for your final project?
  5. How can this philosophy be applied to marketing any product or service?

Length: 1 and1/2 to 2 pages, Length cannot exceed required criteria


  • 12 point Times Roman font
  • 1” margins
  • 1.5 line spacing
  • Number your pages (bottom-right)
  • Submit assignment to NYU Classroom Assignment no later than 11/19at time specified 
  • Any information directly from book or another source must be attributed with correct APA formatting guidelines                   
  • Be prepared to provide a short summary of your POV in class 
  • On first page of document include name, course, assignment and date.

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