Front end exercise | Computer Science homework help

Frontend Exercise:


  “firstname”: “mark”,

  “lastname”: “webber”,

  “technology”: “java”,

  “age”: “60”,



      “startdate”: “10-jan-2012”,

      “enddate”: “10-jan-2013”,

      “address”: “address 1, city 1, state 1, country 1, zipcode 1”



      “startdate”: “10-jan-2013”,

      “enddate”: “10-jan-2014”,

      “address”: “address 2, city 2, state 2, country 2, zipcode 2”



      “startdate”: “10-jan-2014”,

      “enddate”: “10-jan-2015”,

      “address”: “address 3, city 3, state 3, country 3, zipcode 3”



      “startdate”: “10-jan-2015”,

      “enddate”: “10-jan-2016”,

      “address”: “address 4, city 4, state 4, country 4, zipcode 4”



      “startdate”: “10-jan-2016”,

      “enddate”: “10-jan-2017”,

      “address”: “address 5, city 5, state 5, country 5, zipcode 5”




Use this JSON, read it in JS using Jquery, Angular, React and independently populate that in 3 different HTML using these 3 different framework.

In the HTML add the CSS (using LESS or SASS), to display the read JSON is a proper format which you like with orange for desktop view, green for laptop view, yellow for mobile view (come up with the break points which you need to use and the media queries for it).

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