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Excel 2013 Assignment 2 – Self-Paced Option

(complete following Tutorial #’s 13 – 19)

For this assignment, you will work with a workbook of a class roster with various grades and student records. You’ll practice writing formulas, as well as sorting and filtering data.

Download the File

Download and save the file Excel 2013 Assignment 2 from the course Moodle site.. For more instructions on how to download files, review How To Download a File.

Edit the File

Open the file you just saved. (You may have to click Enable Editing in order to start editing the document.) 


Select row 3 and then use the Freeze Panes command on the View tab to freeze rows 1 and 2 in place.

HINT: When you’re done, rows 1 and 2 will stay in place as you scroll through the worksheet.

Select cell G3. Next, insert a formula or a function to add up the values in cell range B3:F3.

HINT: Remember to begin your formula with the equal sign ( = ).

HINT: When you’re done, the calculated value should be 86.

Select cell G3 and then drag the fill handle all the way to cell G18. When you’re done, the formula will be copied to cell range G4:G18 and calculated values should appear in those cells.

Select cell D9 and change the value from 0 to 14. Notice how the formula re-calculates the value in cell G9.

Select cell G19 and edit the function to include the cell range G3:G18 in the argument.

HINT: When you’re done, the calculated value should be 75.06

Select cell H3. Next, insert a formula that will subtract the value in cell G19 from cell G3. When writing your formula, make anabsolute reference to cell G19.

HINT: G3 should not be an absolute reference in the formula.

HINT: When you’re done, the calculated value should be 10.94.

Select cell H3 and then drag the fill handle all the way to to cell H18. When you’re done, the formula will be copied to cell range H4:H18 and calculated values should appear in those cells.

HINT: When you’re done, the value of cell H4 will be 11.94. If this is incorrect, check the absolute reference in your formula, then repeat steps 6-7.

Select cell M3. Next, Insert a formula that will first add the values in cells G3 and L3, and then divide that value by 4.

HINT: Use the order of operations to ensure that the values in G3 and L3 are added together before dividing by 4.

HINT: When you’re done, the calculated value should be 92.25.

Select cell M3 and then drag the fill handle all the way to cell M18. When you’re done, the formula will be copied to cell range M4:M18 and calculated values should appear in those cells.

Select cell range A2:M18. Next, use the Sort command on the Data tab to sort the range by Name from A-Z.

HINT: When you’re done, Angela Alston should be the first student listed in the workbook.

With the same cell range selected, click the Filter command on the Data tab. A drop-down arrow should appear in the header cell for each column.

Click the drop-down arrow for column M and apply a number filter that will filter between two values.

In the dialog box that appears, set the filter to show values greater than or equal to 80, and less than or equal to 90. This will display values in the 80-90 range.

HINT: When you’re done, only 4 students should be visible in the workbook.

Before submitting, double-check your assignment:

The data in G18 should read 81.

The data in H18 should read 5.94.

The data in M18 should read 82.50.

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