Effective communication assignment.docx health science | Health Care

The purpose of this assignment is to recognize the challenges of effective communication with patients and to demonstrate some of the skills needed.

Open the attachment found above. Find the link to a video on HPV and watch it.   Number the assignment submission text box 1-10 and list your answers to the questions found in the assignment regarding this video.

Start early, as this assignment requires you to view a lot of information.

Effective Communication Assignment: 20pts

Resources needed for this assignment: 

1. You will need to read chapter 16, “Six Steps in the Communication Process” found on pp. 348-356.

2. View the resources found in the Enrichment folder of Module Four.

a. Learn the three questions used in “Ask Me Three”.

b. Identify concepts in health literacy that can be used to improve patient education.

c. Identify the appropriate use of professional language and plain language.

3. Watch the video below to complete this assignment. 

Teach Back Method:  It is NOT effective to simply ask, “Do you understand?”.


This video, on HPV vaccines, offers a lesson using the ”teach back method”. Watch both examples offered in the video. While watching plan to comment on how well was used health literacy skills, plain language, as well as “the teach back method”.

For this assignment answer the following questions: 

(You can number your textbox 1-10 and list your answers for submission.)

1. Step One: Set Communication Goals p.348

Prior to seeing the patient the educator must have had some educational goals in mind. From the second scenario, list one question the educator asks the patient that demonstrates effective communication as explained in the textbook.

2. Step One: Set Communication Goals p. 348-9

Effective communication depends on establishing the patients sense of worth and trust in the educator. Provide one example of something the educator did to build the patient’s self-esteem and trust in the second scenario, but not in the first.

3. Step Two: Create the Message

Compare and contrast how the educator organized her message. How was this easier for the patient to follow in the second scenario? (see page 350)

4. Step Three: Deliver the Message see pp. 352-4

Compare and contrast the non-verbal communication that occurred in the two scenarios. Explain how the second scenario may have helped to improve the comfort level and trust of the patient.

5. Step Three: Deliver the Message

Identify why the use of the handout in the first scenario did not support effective communication and how that was improved in the second scenario. 

6. Step Four: Listen to Respond p. 354

List at least two elements of “Active Listening”.  Compare and contrast how these elements apply to the two scenarios.

7. Step Five: Offer Feedback and Seek Clarification

Offer one example of how the “Teach Back Method” not used in the first scenario, but applied in the second scenario.

8. Step Six: Evaluate the Encounter

        How will the nurse know if her education of this patient was truly effective?

9. “Ask Me Three”: Select one of the three questions from the resource found in the Enrichment folder and apply it to this scenario. Did the nurse address this question? Did the patient know the answer?

10. Health Literacy and the use of plain language.

The educator was not sensitive to the health literacy skills of her patient in the first scenario, but made improvements in the second scenario. Identify one of the words she changed to improve patient understanding. IE: Using “hypertension” as seen in one of the health literacy videos was changed to “high blood pressure” for better understanding by the little old man who thought the educator was suggesting he had attention deficit.

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