Discussions: identity & access management for work from home


Your task: You have been asked to give a  presentation at an online training session for employees who are now  working from home. The subject of this training session is: Access  Controls and Why They Matter.

Background: Access controls are security features  that are usually considered the first line of defense in asset  protection. They are used to dictate how subjects access objects, and  their main goal is to protect the objects from unauthorized access.  Access control models are frameworks that use access controls to enforce  the rules and objectives of the model (e.g. MAC, DAC, RBAC).

For this training, you should focus on the need to use Access  Controls to protect corporate assets and data which are accessible via  equipment and networks within the Work From Home setting. In your  talking points you should also consider and address the frustrations  that employees may feel when they encounter access controls that are not  set up to allow the same type of “inside” access as employees had when  working on company equipment inside company networks. (Explain why  “turning off” access controls is not an acceptable solution to remote  access to internal networks and resources.) Finally, address some  potential “insider threats” which may exist in the Work From Home  environment that need the countermeasures provided by access controls.  Such threats could include the actions of others residing in the home  who have access to the employee’s laptops or who use the same networks  and network connections.

Format: This week, the format for your deliverable  (posting) will be “Talking Points.” Talking points are presented in  outline format and contain the content that you would put on slides in a  slide deck. Your outline should include 5 to 7 major points (“slide  titles”) followed by 3 to 5 supporting points for each. Remember to put  enough information into the talking points that your peer reviewers can  understand what you intend to cover in each section of your briefing.  Remember to introduce the topic at the beginning, present your analysis,  and then close your briefing with an appropriate summary. Include a  list of sources (3 or more) which attendees could refer to if they wish  to fact check your work.

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