Discussion 3 How Do Lessons 1 8 Relate To Your Park

Question Description

Discussion 3 How Do Lessons 1-8 Relate to Your Park

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Discussion Objectives

  • Apply one of the geological processes explained in Chapters 1-4 to the formation of the features in the National Park you selected.
  • Discover which of the major rock types and/or minerals discussed in Chapters 5-8 predominate in the National Park you selected for your posting.
  • Describe the three types of rocks found on Earth, and summarize what is meant by the rock cycle.
  • Support your observations with research and scientific method.


By now you should have selected the National Park that you will research for this posting.

In Lessons Introduction to 4 you studied Earth’s formation; Earth’s interior; plate tectonics; rock deformation and mountain building; and earthquakes. Basically processes that form landscapes. In Lessons 5-8 you studied minerals, igneous rocks and volcanism; weathering, soils and sedimentary rocks and metamorphism and metamorphic rocks. The focus in these chapters is on rock types.

I want you to think about the National Park you are selecting and write a short, well researched posting of 800-1600 words, backed by a minimum of two cited sources, to share with your fellow students on the processes that created the landscapes within your National Park and the rock type that predominates there. The posting should address the following guiding questions:

  • If you had to choose one of the processes above, which do you think was/is most influential in forming the geological features that make the park you selected merit “National Park” status?
  • How was this process instrumental in creating the landscapes your park is recognized for?
  • Is the park you selected known for a particular type of rock or mineral covered in Lessons 5-8?
  • Which would you say is the dominant rock type seen in the National Park you selected?
  • Briefly describe how that type of rock and/or mineral came to be there.
  • Look for the posting of the student you connected with in Discussion 1 and the Discussion 1 Reply and carry on your conversation.

Put the name of your park and the most influential process and rock type in the first line/Title of the posting. Hit the “enter” key before you start your narrative. For example: Joshua Tree National Monument is know for many things, but one of them is having several earthquake faults running across it. Earthquake faults shape the landscape there. So I would select “Earthquakes” as my process. The most outstanding rock features are exposed boulders that were formed from cooling magma. The rock type is Intrusive Igneous, or to be more specific it is monzogranite. The first line/Title for my posting would read: JOSHUA TREE-EARTHQUAKES/IGNEOUS ROCK or JOSHUA TREE EARTHQUAKES/GRANITE


The posting will be graded based on the following:


Maximum Points 30


27-30 Points


24-26 Points


20-23 Points


0-19 Points

Organization: Concepts are presented in a logical manner. The posting addresses the guiding questions.

All components asked for are addressed with substance and are included in the posting.

The posting presentation could use improvement OR guiding questions are not completely addressed.

The posting presentation could use improvement AND guiding questions are not completely addressed.

Posting presentation is disorganized AND guiding questions are not addressed.


Maximum Points 30


27-30 Points


24-26 Points


20-23 Points


0-19 Points

Depth: Evidence of thought and application of chapter concepts to the posting. Ideas posted are backed-up with credible sources.

All components asked for are addressed with substance and are included in the posting.

The posting does not use the minimum number of sources, focus on the processes discussed in the text Ch 1-4 OR completely address the guiding questions.

Two out of three of the required components are missing in the posting.

The posting does not use the minimum number of sources, focus on the processes discussed in the text Ch 1-4 AND it does not completely address the guiding questions.


Maximum Points 15


13-15 Points


11-12 Points


9-10 Points


0-8 Points

Basics: Posting is submitted on-time. Directions for the posting are followed. Proper grammar and spelling are used.

All components asked for are included in the posting.

One of the components is missing in the posting.

Two of the components are missing in the posting.

Most to all of the components are missing.

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