Discussion #2 nutrition | Education homework help

On the topic of nutrition, decide what is important to you. Is it portions, reading a food label, eating for nutrition, paying special attention to the fat content, calories, dietary fiber, antioxidants or supplements?

Please answer all the following questions below:

First, choose a nutrition topic that relates to you and a change you need to make and not just “I need to eat more fruits and vegetables” because we all need that. But, research a topic and tell the class. You may create your own topic. Write at least one paragraph. 

Secondly, include one of your favorite food you like to eat and tell us why or why not you should be eating this particular food. Analyze the nutritional label by telling us whether it has too much fat, carbohydrates. protein, too much sugar, salt, etc. Use real numbers from the label and back up your statements.

Full credit will not be given for this discussion until you have included:

• information from a food label

• numbers from a food label (carbohydrates, proteins,fats)

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