Describe To Your Project Sponsor How You Intend To Develop And Implement An Infrastructure Of Your Project S Management Systems Business Finance Homework Help

Question Description


Onestudent brought to my attention the fact that there seems to be someconfusion on the statement of the Assignment. Here is the statement ofthe assignment:

Referto the project from your local community or state that you described inWeek 8, Discussion 1. You have learned that the unk-unk mind-setnecessitates team management and creates a culture of encouragingproblem reporting, valuing diversity, and utilizing social cohesion.

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. Describeto your project sponsor how you intend to develop and implement aninfrastructure of your project’s management systems, focusing on atleast two (2) significant unk-unks.
  2. Preparea communication on how your project team uses social cohesion as itimplements an infrastructure of one (1) of the five (5) areas ofmanagement systems.
  3. Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Well,I checked the DQ for Week 8 – and I see no reference to a project forthe local community or the state in which you live. There seems to be adisconnect.

Therefore,in this case. in the first section of your assignment, simply identify aproject for your local community or the city or the state in which youlive – and then based your paper on that project.

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