Crj105 week 6 discussion question | CRJ 105 Crime and Criminal Behavior | Strayer University

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This week, we are discussing chapter 10, property crime. Property crime makes up the bulk of crime reported by the police and although quite common, hardly contains the type of enthralling material that the media is interested in reporting. Offenses against property were among the first to be punished under the formal legal systems.The basic offense, theft, was referred to under English common law as larceny, defined simply as the taking of the property of another without the owner’s consent.

  1. Think about what you learned this week about property crime as you respond to the following: List the differences between burglary, robbery, and theft of property.
  2. Apply techniques of neutralization from your textbook to answer the following statement: Most students disapprove of cheating on exams, but some nonetheless cheat. List possible justifications such students might give for their cheating behavior. Which techniques of neutralization do these justifications illustrate?
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