Company vision and mission statement


Please read the attached assignment in its entirety. The course material must be referenced in the paper, which is attached.


Leadership Elements 

Write one paragraph for each statement below: 

  • Define leadership and explain the difference between leading and managing. Support the reasoning with the course material. 
  • Explain what leadership styles will best fit with the new director’s style of leadership; a multi-cultural workforce; and the goal of having a sustainable, green, and human friendly product line on the forefront of innovation within the infant formula industry. Remember, to use the course material to support the ideas and reasoning. You will not be using external source materials. 

Mission and Vision Statements 

  • Construct a more relevant Mission statement and Vision statement to reflect Biotech’s growing presence but also its desire to be a leader in sustainability and green products. 
  • In a separate paragraph, explain the reasoning for the changes made to the mission statement and vision statement. Use the course material to support the reason. Do not use external source material. 

Format: Do not use question and answer format but include headings. There must be an introductory paragraph explaining what you had put together so your team has a clear understanding of what you have done and why you have done so. Should be at least 2-3 pages, not including title and reference page. In-text citations must include page or paragraph numbers.

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