Code of ethical conduct | Education homework help
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The Assignment
Read the article- “Ethics Today in Early Care and Education.” You will also need to read and become familiar with the “Code of Ethical Conduct Position Statement” article. After reading these two articles and becoming familiar with their content- you will use the information to complete “Professional Ethics: Applying the NAEYC Code.” Using the attached document you will choose one scenario from group one or two (and include it on your form) and then complete the 4 questions. You will the “Code of Ethical Conduct Position Statement” article to pull ideals and principles that support and guide you in your decision making.
For #1 you will discuss a minimum of 2 points from the “Ethics Today” article
Acceptable length for question #2: at least 2 core values should be chosen and included should be a discussion of why you chose them (minimum of 3 sentences for each core value)
Question #3: once you choose who you are responsible to, include a discussion of why you chose that group (minimum of 3 sentences)
Question #4: choose at least 3 ideals and 3 principles to support your answer. (These should be copied and include the letters and numbers)
Question #5: This is where you discuss how you, as an early childhood educator, will handle/address the situation. Specifics are needed here. Pull your knowledge from this course and the provided articles to assist you. (Minimum of 7 sentences) Specific references from our text or the articles must be included. This can be a page reference, quote,facts from the articles, etc. This should be factual, not opinion based.
Grading Criteria
The summary is graded on a 100 point scale
Maximum points are given when each question meets the requirements; Principles/Ideals are given to support your opinion, and a description of the impact of your decision on the child and family is provided.
Deductions of points are:
20 points: meeting paragraph and sentence requirements
10 points: including relevant information from the “Ethics Today” article.
20 points: including all information on the “Professional Ethics” handout
40 points: providing clear and appropriate decisions, in the implementation paragraph, based on the information from the article and our text.
10 points: use of original document
Points are deducted for errors in grammar and spelling. Also noted is clarity of the submission and students’ comprehension of the content.
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