Case study social work discussion questions


Requesting 2-3 paragraph minimum and in text reference for each question

Question 1

Case of Claudia

Post a description of the importance of using multiple evidence-based tools (including quantitative, open ended, and ecologically focused) to assess children. Explain how each complements the other in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the young client’s concerns and situation. Then, describe the use of an eco-map in assessment and explain the different systems you will account for in your assessment of a child.

Question 2

Case of Brady

Post an application of the attachment theory to the case of Brady. Discuss the connection between his or her attachment style and the exhibiting behavior.

Question 3

Case of Brady

*Based upon Erikson’s developmental theory*

Post an assessment of whether the client is mastering the stage of identity. Identify the areas that should be addressed in an intervention based on his or her developmental stage. Describe how you might address those areas.

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